
Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety: A Guide for Teachers and Staff

As the new school year begins, the excitement of welcoming students back into the classroom often also comes with a sense of anxiety for teachers and staff. The new school year comes with a lot of prep work, lesson plans, classroom decorating, and helping students transition back into the school…

How to Safely Use Cannabis Products

In cannabis culture, 420 (or 4:20 or April 20th), is recognized as a national holiday of cannabis use. Although the history of how this holiday came to be is unclear, regardless, there are many ways in which adults plan to indulge and celebrate. Remember, in Connecticut, ONLY adult-use cannabis is legal.…

Supporting Teachers for a Stronger Future

Teaching is known to be one of the most stressful professions, with surveys indicating high stress levels among educators even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The transition to online learning, debates over school reopening, and individual safety concerns only added to teachers' mental health challenges and potential burnout. According to a…

Cómo utilizar de forma segura los productos de cannabis

En la cultura del cannabis, el 420 (o 4:20 o 20 de abril) se reconoce como fiesta nacional del consumo de cannabis. Aunque la historia de cómo surgió esta festividad no está clara, hay muchas maneras en que los adultos planean disfrutar y celebrar. Recuerde, en Connecticut, SÓLO el cannabis…

Conozca los datos sobre 988

¿Qué es 988? ¿Puedo utilizar 988 solo si estoy experimentando una crisis de salud mental? 988 Lifeline responde las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana a llamadas, chats o mensajes de texto de cualquier persona que necesite apoyo para crisis suicidas, de salud mental o de…

Get the Facts About 988

What is 988? Can I only utilize 988 if I am experiencing a mental health crisis?  The 988 Lifeline responds 24/7 to calls, chats or texts from anyone who needs support for suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis, and connects those in need with trained crisis counselors. There are…

How to Safely Use Cannabis Products

In cannabis culture, 420 (or 4:20 or April 20th), is recognized as a national holiday of cannabis use. Although the history of how this holiday came to be is unclear, regardless, there are many ways in which adults plan to indulge and celebrate. Remember, in Connecticut, ONLY adult-use cannabis is legal.…

8 Reasons to Become a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

Healthier Employees Make Businesses Thrive The pandemic made many people realize just how much of their lives are spent at work and prompted some to make changes to be healthier and thrive. For those in recovery from mental health conditions and substance use disorders, the workplace can be a challenging…

Los mejores días comienzan con una buena noche de sueño

Dormir es crucial para una buena salud mental A menudo se pasa por alto el sueño en nuestras vidas ocupadas, pero no se puede subestimar su impacto en el bienestar físico y mental. Un sueño de calidad no se trata sólo de sentirse descansado; juega un papel fundamental en el…

Better Days Start with a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is crucial for good mental health Sleep is often overlooked in our busy lives, but its impact on both physical and mental well-being cannot be overstated. Quality sleep is not just about feeling rested; it plays a fundamental role in maintaining overall health. In fact, getting a good night’s sleep…

Todos necesitamos un poco de ayuda de un amigo

La soledad y su impacto en nuestra salud La pandemia puso en primer plano el tema de la soledad y destacó la importancia de la conexión social. Nos permitió ver en tiempo real cómo la conexión social y la falta de ella afecta nuestra salud y bienestar. Nuestras vidas tienen…

We All Need a Little Help from a Friend

Loneliness and its impact on our health The pandemic brought the issue of loneliness to the forefront and highlighted the importance of social connection. It allowed us to see in real-time how social connection and the lack of it affects our health and wellbeing. Our lives have built-in opportunities for…

We All Need a Little Help from a Friend

Loneliness and its impact on our health The pandemic brought the issue of loneliness to the forefront and highlighted the importance of social connection. It allowed us to see in real-time how social connection and the lack of it affects our health and wellbeing. Our lives have built-in opportunities for…

8 Reasons to Become a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

Healthier Employees Make Businesses Thrive The pandemic made many people realize just how much of their lives are spent at work and prompted some to make changes to be healthier and thrive. For those in recovery from mental health conditions and substance use disorders, the workplace can be a challenging…

No Quick Fixes: Creating New Habits Takes Time

It takes longer than you think, but it is possible! Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? A 2022 poll found 37% of respondents make resolutions and another study showed two out of five set at least one goal for the year. Although intentions are good, how likely are…

No Quick Fixes: Creating New Habits Takes Time

It takes longer than you think, but it is possible! Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? A 2022 poll found 37% of respondents make resolutions and another study showed two out of five set at least one goal for the year. Although intentions are good, how likely are…

Son las cosas simples las que crean recuerdos mágicos de las fiestas

Con el paso de los años, las vacaciones se han vuelto más exigentes y complejas. Nuestras agendas se han vuelto más ocupadas y la presión de crear unas vacaciones dignas de Instagram ha dejado a muchos sintiéndose agotados y derrotados. Si a eso le sumamos la tensión financiera que siente…

It’s the Simple Things That Make Magical Holiday Memories

As the years have progressed, holidays have become more demanding and complex. Our schedules have gotten busier, and the pressure of creating an Instagrammable holiday has left many feeling exhausted and defeated. Add to that the financial strain people feel, and the holiday season becomes anything but enjoyable. As more…

Inheriting the Past: A Guide to Generational Trauma

What is generational trauma? Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational or transgenerational trauma, is the passing down of traumatic experiences or stressors from one generation to the next. It is a form of trauma that is transmitted within a family or community, passed from a trauma survivor to their descendents.…

Inheriting the Past: A Guide to Generational Trauma

What is generational trauma? Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational or transgenerational trauma, is the passing down of traumatic experiences or stressors from one generation to the next. It is a form of trauma that is transmitted within a family or community, passed from a trauma survivor to their descendents.…

Desentrañando las diferencias: CPTSD vs PTSD

El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) no es una afección nueva, y es posible que el término trauma sea uno que se haya escuchado con mucha más frecuencia últimamente, pero nuestra comprensión sobre él y nuestra necesidad de abordar su significado ha ido cambiando rápidamente. Es necesario abordar el estigma…

Unraveling the Differences: CPTSD vs PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not a new condition, and the term trauma may be one you have been hearing a lot more lately, but our understanding of them and our need to address its significance has been rapidly shifting. The stigma and go-to associations need to be addressed because,…

Adultos mayores y salud mental

La depresión y la ansiedad no son una parte normal del envejecimiento. Envejecer debe estar lleno de días relajantes con amigos y familiares. Sin embargo, para casi el 20% de los estadounidenses de 55 años o más, sus “años dorados” se ven empañados por problemas de salud mental, siendo los…

¿Depresión posparto en los hombres? ¡Sí, es real y puede suceder!

A medida que exploramos los problemas de salud mental que afectan a los hombres durante el mes de junio, estamos creando conciencia sobre un problema que a menudo se asocia solo con las mujeres: la depresión posparto. Según Postpartum Support International, 1 de cada 10 padres desarrolla depresión posparto y…

Trastornos del estado de ánimo y de ansiedad posparto

Síntomas a los que hay que estar atentos, recursos de tratamiento y apoyo, y consejos para parejas y familiares No es un secreto que el embarazo, el parto y el salto a la maternidad tienen un costo físico importante para las madres. Sin embargo, muchas nuevas mamás y sus parejas…