Our annual Wellness Month initiative wrapped up on Election Day with the last of 12 community-based "Get Your Check Up from the Neck Up" events. Each year these events–organized with the help of many volunteers and partner agencies–provide wellness tips, resources on mental illness and substance use, and free behavioral health screenings to the general public. Located at community events such as health fairs, flu clinics or harvest festivals, this initiative helps to normalize the idea of talking about behavioral health while also promoting early detection by offering free screenings an immediately connection to a clinician, and referrals when necessary.
This year we reached 817 people in 10 local communities (out of the 14 we serve). Visitors to our resource tables picked up information and asked questions, and more than a quarter (27%) took a screening. We used our integrated behavioral health screening tool (here) that identifies risk of depression, anxiety, PTSD, alcohol and other drug use, nicotine, problem gambling, other behaviors that are hard to control, and partner violence. Two-thirds of those screened scored at risk for a mental health or substance use disorder and were given referrals. For a breakdown of the statistics, click here.
Thanks to the many partners who supported this initiative by volunteering their time and talent! ADAP, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Catchment Area Councils, Coastal Connecticut Counseling, Darien Depot, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Fairfield Cares, Greenwich Department of Human Services, Human Services Council, LifeBridge Community Services, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), New Canaan Cares, Norwalk Community College, Optimus Health Care, Silver Hill Hospital, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Wilton Social Services, UConn-Stamford.