Blog > SWRMHB Recognizes Rep. McCarthy Vahey as Mental Health Champion

SWRMHB Recognizes Rep. McCarthy Vahey as Mental Health Champion


The Southwest Regional Mental Health Board will recognize State Representative Cristin McCarthy Vahey of Fairfield at its Annual Meeting on June 22. This year's meeting features guest speaker Billy Bromage of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, who will discuss "Community Inclusion: Citizenship-Oriented Care in Behavioral Health." It will also serve as a farewell for Cheryll Houston Blumenfield, SWRMHB's former Deputy Director.

McCarthy Vahey will receive the Board’s Legislative Champion Award for her dedicated advocacy for mental health, including actively sponsoring legislation during her first and second terms.

One bill sponsored by Rep. McCarthy Vahey this session aims to address shortages in the psychiatric workforce. The bill was passed by both the House and Senate and is currently awaiting the Governor’s signature.

“As a social worker, chair of Fairfield’s local prevention council, and youth minister, Rep. McCarthy Vahey brings a deep understanding of mental health to her legislative work,” said the Board’s Executive Director, Margaret Watt.

“She cares deeply about these issues and has worked closely with us to introduce and champion legislation over the past two sessions. The mental health community is grateful to have such a committed advocate in Hartford representing our region.”

McCarthy Vahey is a certified suicide prevention trainer who until recently served as co-chair of Fairfield Cares Community Coalition. She was elected in 2014 to serve Fairfield’s 133rd Assembly District and currently serves on the legislature’s Education, Government Administration & Elections, and Transportation Committees.

The SWRMHB Annual Meeting takes place on Thursday, June 22 at Norwalk City Hall, in the Community Room. The program will run from 3:30-5:00pm, followed by refreshments and networking time until 5:30pm. The meeting is open to all. RSVP to


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