Vision, Mission, & Values

Our Organization’s

Our organization’s guideposts are the pillars that uphold our commitment to the community. Vision, Mission, and Values are not just words on a page. They define what we strive to achieve and the core principles that inform our work. They are a promise to us, our stakeholders, and future generations—we are committed to creating a vibrant and equitable society together.

Our Vision

Transforming communities together.

Our Mission

As a trusted partner, we foster social change and create a lasting impact on community well-being.

Our Values

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Community Voices

We elevate the voices of those with lived experience.

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We learn and grow together.

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We embrace Anti-Hate principles, striving for equity, justice, and belonging for all.

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We create bold change and meaningful impact in all we do.

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We lead with honesty 
and openness.

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