
What is Community Prevention?

We support the communities of Southwest CT by working to prevent substance misuse and suicide and by promoting mental wellness. Our Local Prevention Councils (LPCs) work with representatives from multiple community organizations to address issues related to substance use prevention and mental health.

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Our Areas of Focus

  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis
  • Gambling & Gaming
  • Mental Health
  • Nicotine & Vaping
  • Strategic Opioid & Fentanyl Awareness
  • Suicide Prevention

Using the Strategic Prevention Framework Model

The federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) developed the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to assist the prevention sector in establishing and implementing effective plans to address substance misuse and related behavioral health problems. By using this framework, we increase the likelihood that prevention efforts will reduce harmful behaviors and keep communities healthier and safer.

You can learn more about SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework here.

Coalition Building

The Hub is a coordinating agency working on behavioral health issues in our region, bringing together both community-based and issue-based coalitions. Our coalitions use a model that the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) developed, which emphasizes community coalitions’ power through collaborative efforts. According to this model, seven evidence-based strategies help coalitions create effective and positive community changes.

Our coalitions use CADCA’s seven evidenced-based strategies to make positive changes in their communities.