
Power Session Group Photo B

Established in 1985, Catalyst CT is the only nonprofit provider in Connecticut that combines direct service, community capacity-building, public policy, and advocacy under one roof.

Known initially as RYSAP (Regional Youth Substance Abuse Project), we were initiated in 1985 by the United Way of South Coastal Connecticut in reaction to the severe substance abuse problems of adolescents in Eastern Fairfield County. As part of our work, we focused on adolescent substance abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other drugs. 

In 1992, we incorporated as an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our focus remained on youth until the age of 19. When RYSAP received its first contract with the Department of Mental Health and Addition Services, Adult was added to its name—RYASAP—the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership.

RYASAP’s work has been innovative and has resulted in many firsts and replications. Our new name carries with it an even deeper commitment to serving as a catalyst for positive change in Connecticut.

National Coalition Model

Because of its ability to bring mayors, first-selectpersons, school superintendents, police chiefs, and local newspaper editors around the table to address a crisis in adolescent drug use, RYSAP made national news by appearing on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw.  This did not go unnoticed, making RYSAP a national model for multiple projects coming out of the National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.


In 1994, RYASAP became one of the first national AmeriCorps sites during the Summer of Safety. 

RYASAP continued to support AmeriCorps programming by being a site for Safe Homes AmeriCorps, which installed smoke detectors and home security systems in Bridgeport residents’ homes or apartments for free.

MYO (Mine.Yours.Ours) Initiative was an AmeriCorps program focused on achieving a thriving adolescence for Bridgeport teens and building youth leadership.

RYASAP became the host agency for the first Public Allies program in CT.

In 2017, overdose-related deaths were consistently rising. We wrote a proposal for a new AmeriCorps program, Prevention Corps, that was wholly dedicated to addressing the growing epidemic and education around opioid awareness. In October of 2017, we recruited the first group of Prevention Corps members to interact with and benefit the communities in which we served.

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In July 2019, the Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition (BCAC), now rolled into our Restorative Justice work, joined RYASAP to expand its work with Mediation, Restorative Practices, and the Youth Diversion Team. This collaboration allowed us to align advocacy and policy, capacity-building, and direct services to lift Bridgeport’s youth and families. This collaboration also enabled us to continue the State of the Child in Bridgeport report.

We began looking forward to our organization’s next chapter in 2023. Rebranding as Catalyst CT, we aim to build upon our past as we respond to community needs and address critical issues that affect youth, young adults, and families. Our mission continues to focus on fostering social change and creating a lasting impact on the community’s overall well-being.