Are you a Marie Kondo follower, always tidying up, or more of a collector? When does collecting cross the line into a compulsion?
The short video above shares the story of a man who is still working on his recovery from hoarding. And this slideshow uses an image scale to help recognize a spectrum from clutter to severe hoarding.
Learn more as Mental Health Month continues!
In 2013, the DSM-5 recognized hoarding disorder as a specific disorder, separate from OCD and other often co-occurring disorders such as anxiety. Hoarding affects between 2-6% of the population–sometimes with tragic results, such as recent deaths right here in Fairfield County.
To learn more, visit the APA's hoarding page here. For hoarding help, check out the Institute of Living program in Hartford or provider education programs here or here. And save Monday evening, May 26, for a community talk on "Hoarding: Mental Health & Spiritual Perspectives" at Norwalk Hospital. (Flyer)
Check out this week's Mental Health Month events:
Read & discuss the book "Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through his Son's Addiction" at NAMI
Share your own or hear others' stories at "Our Stories: Share Night" in Westport (flyer)
See the Second Step Players perform at FS Dubois
Join DMHAS programs from around the state for a 3 on 3 basketball tournament and picnic (flyer)
Learn about healthy eating or join a volleyball tournament at Keystone House
Meet Daryl McGraw and check out Bridge House at a Family & Friends event (flyer)
Attend a recovery lunch event at Laurel House
Take a Mental Health First Aid course in Stratford
Visit the Family Health & Safety fair in Stamford
Join the statewide NAMI Walk in Hartford
Hispanic community leaders: Interested in joining or hosting a community conversation among on mental health in the Latino community? Email
For more info on these and other upcoming events, download the full calendar: graphic version, detailed version!
In recognition of Mental Health Month, please share these videos and the resources in this email with your friends and neighbors as a way to raise awareness about mental illness!
Remember: Mental health disorders are common and treatable:
Check in on your own mental health: free online screening
Find mental health or substance use help in southwestern CT: resources
Try a mental wellness app from this list
Be well!